Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Kiss the Rain

Title: Kiss the Rain
Author: 'Niii
Fanfic URL: http://winglin.net/fanfic/_rainfall/
Reviewer: rawr@ http://www.melting-gelato.co.nr/

Story Title: 5/5- Interesting choice of title. Also, I love that piano piece by Yiruma.

Appearance: 8/10- Your title did a wonderful job of portraying your story, but I didn’t really like your background.

Forewords: 7/10- The start of your foreword was great, but you ended with how you much you love the song (which I mentioned in your title). I feel that you should of have added character descriptions and tell the reader who’s involve in the story.

Plot: 13/15- It’s as mysterious as Yiruma’s song, but it lacks the development of a proper story or one shot. Also, it was a little too confusing and I sort of got lost.

Flow: 6/10- I’m not even sure about the flow, but I felt that it was way too fast.

Originality/Creativity: 14/15- It was very creative and original.

Characterization: 3/8- Honestly, there was no development of characters.

Spelling/Grammar/Vocabulary: 11/12- There were little to no mistakes.

Writing style: 8/10- Interesting writing style, but it lacks development and it was hard for me (at least) to follow.

Enjoyment: 5/5

Sub total: 75/100

Bonus: 5/5

Total: 80/100- Not bad for a one shot. I do advise that you develop your plot more, especially since you’re writing a one shot. With the lack of development, it’s hard to follow.

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